It's a Latvia first for Glasgow-based global-brand Vanilla Blush as they receive their first supplies from the Baltic power base. 

With Latvia in the Champions League of lingerie and leisurewear production, the connection between Consulate for Latvia David Kaye and Vanilla Blush CEO Nicola Dames is the proverbial marriage made in Heaven. 

Dames said: "Yes we have other producers around the globe but I would never have had the connections with the Latvia luxury line without our man in Latvia, David Kaye. And the quality is so good that this is certainly not the end of the affair but just the beginning of a 1,832-mile relationship." 

Kaye said: "I am delighted that Vanilla Blush have found a suitable Latvian based supplier and Partner. Vanilla Blush have had a tremendous journey as a business so far and I hope that they continue to grow from strength to strength." 

Dames concluded: "The Consulate has certainly made it a case of Latvia first when it comes to choosing our newest products." 

With Vanilla Blush contracted throughout nine European Union countrie, as well as the UK NAtional Health System, the company is preparing for its expansion into mainstream sports and medical wear.

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